Each person is a unique creation of God and, through grace, is a child of God. The people of Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church of Cypress welcome all because God welcomes all. Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church of Cypress is a spiritual community that celebrates the gifts of God that can empower us to engage in the struggles of life, to care for each other, and to serve Christ where we work and live. Our unity is in Christ.
We look forward to having you join us for worship on any Sunday!
Whether you are a life-long Lutheran or someone who is searching.
Whether you are a believer, strong in your faith, or a doubter, looking for a way to believe.
Whether you are single or married, gay or straight, very young or very old, poor or wealthy.
No matter what you believe, or where you are on your life journey, you are welcome here in the name of Christ Jesus.
The worship service begins promptly at 10:00 am.
Hope to See You Next Sunday!
There are small parking lots on both the East and West sides of the church building. Disabled parking is available in the East lot.
An usher will greet you at the door, give you a bulletin, answer any questions, and direct you to an available pew.
Join us in song, word and response as we worship our risen
Lord and Savior, Jesus!
A soundproof room is available at the rear of the sanctuary for parents with fussy babies.
If you need a little help with hearing, ask the sound room technician for a SoundMate assistive listening device.
We celebrate Holy Communion every Sunday. All are welcome at our table. Red wine, and white grape juice, are both available. Not ready for communion? No problem. Feel free to remain seated in your pew.
Stay and visit with us during fellowship hour, immediately following the worship service. Coffee, drinks and snacks are served.
Hope to See You Next Sunday!
Copyright © 2018 Mount Calvary Lutheran Church of Cypress, CA
All rights reserved.